7:30 am Registration & Networking

8:40 am What it Takes to Make a Leap a Reality

8:40 am Chair’s Welcome, Opening Remarks & Connection Before Content

Navigating & Preventing Unionized Working Environments

8:50 am Discover: Re-Branding HR away from Compliance to People & Culture to Enhance Collaboration

  • Patti Welch Vice President of People and Culture, Magnaflow


  • How can we change the relationship with HR leaders to be perceived as more collaborative rather than policing?
  • Partner HR with managers to create systemic change, introduce weekly meetings and rebrand HR to Culture services
  • How Magnaflow have increased employee satisfaction and engagement to a strong 92-95% through working closely with their people leaders to change the perception and structure of HR

9:10 am Discover: Building Trust, Transparency & Communication to Enhance Employee Relations

  • Elise Szarek HR Manager- North America, Whitebridge Pet Brands


  • How can we prevent unionization by keeping employees happy?
  • Don’t just be A resource – be THE proactive Human Resource and provide company knowledge before it is requested
  • How Whitebridge Pets proactive approach with regards to communication and knowledge sharing has gained earned their employees trust and increased relations across the business 

9:30 am Develop: How Can We Navigate Already Unionized Environments?

  • Patti Welch Vice President of People and Culture, Magnaflow
  • Elise Szarek HR Manager- North America, Whitebridge Pet Brands


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

9:50 am Action: How Are You Going to Take A More Proactive Approach to Employee Relations & Satisfaction?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

10:10 am Speed Networking Break


Developing Skills & Competencies for Our Leadership

10:50 am Discover: Creating a Structured Competency System for Talent Development

  • Eric Piquant Director of Industrial and Operational Excellence Competencies Development, Michelin


  • How can we increase talent development opportunities for our floor staff?
  • Create a structured competency system
  • How Michelin have created a structure that has increased corporate home grown talent to 40%, this structure encompasses a gap analysis that helps map employees identify the competencies needed to develop

11:10 am Discover: Leveraging Leadership Development Programs to Influence Retention


  • How can we empower our leaders to develop their staff?
  • Create a coaching program for performance management
  • How Grain Craft have developed a leadership development coaching plan with 12 sub modules that empowers leaders to manage their staff correctly, leading to an increase in retention 

11:30 am Develop: How Else Can We Develop Our Leadership?

  • Eric Piquant Director of Industrial and Operational Excellence Competencies Development, Michelin
  • Mark Farmer Senior Human Resources Manager, Grain Craft


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

11:50 am Action: How Are You Going to Develop Your Leadership?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair


Attracting Top Manufacturing Talent

10:50 am Discover: Managing Flexibility in a Manufacturing Environment

  • Adam Goldman Vice President of Human Resources, Cacique Inc.


  • How can we find skilled labor in new geographies or markets?
  • Work with your marketing and branding team to ensure that you are targeting the right individuals
  • How Cacique have become an award-winning-state-partnership workforce developer due to their strategic recruitment marketing to build skilled labor

11:10 am Discover: Securing Skilled Labor in Tight Talent Markets

  • Adam Goldman Vice President of Human Resources, Cacique Inc.


  • How can we find skilled labor in new geographies or markets?
  • Work with your marketing and branding team to ensure that you are targeting the right individuals
  • How Cacique have become an award-winning-state-partnership workforce developer due to their strategic recruitment marketing to build skilled labor

11:30 am Develop: How Else Can We Attract People into the Manufacturing Industry?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

Action: How are You Going to Retain Your Top Talent?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

12:10 pm
Networking Lunch


Upskilling Our Hourly Staff to Build Home Grown, Next Generation Talent

1:30 pm Discover: Building Next Generation Talent through A Home-Grown Apprenticeship Scheme


  • How can we build talent while increasing retention?
  • Partner with local schools, offer qualifications and create flexibility, allowing students to spend time in different departments that suits career interests
  • How Jokey have partnered with local schools to create a next generation talent pipeline, while delivering training that aids leaders to help students navigate different career options, rather than simply enrolling them into their initial interest

1:50 pm Discover: Utilizing Digital LMS to Upskill Our Hourly Workforce & Increase the Speed to Autonomy

  • Kristen Pela Head of Learning, Communications & Knowledge, Gilead Sciences


  • How can we upskill our hourly workforce efficiently and effectively?
  • Utilize technology such as digital LMS and Virtual Reality
  • How Gilead Sciences are paying attention to lessons learned from implementing virtual reality training and put these into a central accessible hub, that can recommend development opportunities

2:10 pm Develop: What More Can We Learn from The HR Leaders Who Are Upskilling their Hourly Workforce?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

2:30 pm Action: What are You Going to Put in Place to Train Your Floor Staff?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair


Retaining Top Manufacturing Talent

1:30 pm Discover: Developing a Strategic Plan to Combat High Attrition Rates


  • How can we decrease attrition rates and ensure that our hourly staff want to stay at the company?
  • Develop a multi-faceted, strategic plan that combats factors influencing turnover such as: manager competency, workplace flexibility and careful recruitment processes
  • How Procter & Gamble are prioritizing workplace flexibility, skills development in their managers, and increased selectivity in hiring as a strategic plan to decrease their turnover rate 

1:50 pm Develop: : How Else Can We Measure Performance Management?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

2:10 pm Action: How Are You Going to Utilize Performance Management to Increase Productivity?

2:50 pm
Afternoon Refreshment Break

Increasing Connectivity & Culture to Build Belonging and Company Pride

3:10 pm Discover: Re-Constructing Culture to Retain Skilled Talent

  • Belinda Dahn Vice President of Human Resources, Precision Machined Products


  • How can we prevent highly skilled talent from leaving our business?
  • Build a culture that employees want to be a part of and makes employees feel valued
  • How PMP are re-evaluating their company culture such as: reducing benefit costs, re-analyzing pay structure, giving thoughtful employee recognition and amongst much more, leading to a decrease in turnover from 32% to 4.5% 

3:30 pm Discover: Stabilizing the Leadership Team to Decrease Turnover


  • How can we decrease turnover rates?
  • Stabilize your leadership team and help them to understand their contribution to the company
  • How ITW have stabilized their leadership team intentionally, consistently and patiently through transparency, town halls, education and more which has lead to a reduction in turnover by 21%

3:50 pm Develop: What Other Things Can We Do to Enhance Culture?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair

4:10 pm Action: What Are You Going to Do to Enhance Your Workforces Culture?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

4:30 pm Chairs Closing Remarks