Patricia Welch

Patricia Welch

Company: Magnaflow

Job title: Vice President - People & Culture


Discover: Re-Branding HR away from Compliance to People & Culture to Enhance Collaboration 8:30 am

How can we change the relationship with HR leaders to be perceived as more collaborative rather than policing? Partner HR with managers to create systemic change, introduce weekly meetings and rebrand HR to Culture services How Magnaflow have increased employee satisfaction and engagement to a strong 92-95% through working closely with their people leaders to…Read more

day: Day 1 (full day)

Develop: How Can We Navigate Already Unionized Environments? 9:30 am

Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair With an increase in unionization across the manufacturing industry, alongside the shifting workforce expectations of the next generations of workers, what can we do to enhance employee relations or navigate an already unionized environment? Read more

day: Day 1 (full day)

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