Future of HR in Manufacturing Strategy Day
Monday, September 16, 12:00pm-3:50pm

Begin your LEAP HR: Manufacturing experience by stepping into an immersive, interactive session that contemplates
the future of HR in Manufacturing. Listen to top CHROs discuss their strategies for forecasting the future, and the
changes they are making in preparation.

Stay ahead of the curve and take your seat at the table. Discover how people analytics can be used to optimize your
processes, as well as how to build a stable pipeline for the years to come.

This session will equip you with the tools you need to advance your recruitment, retainment, upskilling and more. Leave
with immediately actionable insights on how manufacturing organizations are engaging with their workforce and
increasing efficiency.

12:00 pm Registration & Light Networking Lunch

1:00 pm Pre-Conference Day Chair’s Opening Remarks

Forecast Future Trends to Stay Ahead of the Curve

1:10 pm Panel Discussion: Forecast Future Trends to Stay Ahead of the Curve

  • Adam Goldman Vice President, Human Resources, Cacique Foods LLC
  • Elise Szarek Human Resources Manager - North America, Whitebridge Pet Brands
  • Paul McInnis President, Jokey North America
  • Belinda Dahn Vice President of Human Resources, Precision Machined Products


  • How do we approach implementing an internship scheme to bring in fresh faces who are eager to learn?
  • How can we partner with local and low SES communities to provide opportunities to those who need it most?
  • How can we identify the necessary skill set for the role, so that we are able to open up positions to those with the correct skillset, but with experience in other industries?

1:50 pm Action: How Are You Going To Forecast And Plan For HRs Future In Your Company?


Learn from peers on your round table, discuss how you might implement some of the strategies on the panel at your own organization. How do these ideas work within the parameters of your own structure?

2:10 pm Networking Break

Future Focused Strategy

2:30 pm Discover: Setting the Foundation for a Robust ‘Future of Work’ Initiative


  • How can we prepare our companies for the future of work and set our HR strategy up for success
  • Assess the current needs of the business and first make sure that we are meeting them
  • How Owens Corning undertook a comprehensive research project to utilize data to diagnose current pain points in the company, in order to provoke change that will set them up for getting executive buy in for new technologies, hires and future focused initiatives

2:50 pm Discover: Leveraging Workforce Analytics to Develop Strategic Action Plans


  • How can we forecast harmful trends before they become an overwhelming problem?
  • Upgrade your data strategy to have predictive value
  • How Reynolds Consumer Products have fully leveraged their data analytics, allowing them to track when they will have a talent shortage and have implemented an early operations talent program as a preventative measure

3:10 pm Develop: What Other Things Do We Need to Consider When Planning For The Future?


Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Chair

As more women and parents enter the frontline workforce, as well as our increasing desire to onboard next gen talent, how can we change our future focused strategy to make the manufacturing industry a more desirable place to work? 

3:30 pm Action: How Are You Going to Plan For The Future?


Output Focused Action Session Facilitated by the Chair

Discuss in your round tables ways that you can take these insights back to your own organization such as:

  • How can we implement job sharing where possible?
  • How can we re-examine the manufacturing shift schedule?
  • Can we mimic the gig economy’s ability to offer casual shifts for our production line work?
  • How can we get buy in for these initiatives?

3:50 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

4:00 pm Private Drinks Reception Hosted by Igloo Software