Josh Stimpson

Company: Hitachi Solutions America, Ltd.
Job title: Sr. Director of Human Resources
Develop: What Other Things Can We Do to Enhance Culture? 4:40 pm
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair The industry is harshly divided into corporate and frontline workers, how can we change this us VS them mentality to build a culture of trust and harmony between our two distinct categories of workers?Read more
day: Day 1 (full day)
Discover: More than just clickbait! How Hitachi Energy is attracting, converting, and retaining the next generation of MFG workforce through automation 4:20 pm
Why speed is more important than your employee brand How to build a talent pipeline using Ecom techniques and programmatic marketing to reach job seekers Why taking good care of your candidates leads to increased retention and a positive work cultureRead more
day: Day 1 (full day)