Belinda Dahn

Company: Precision Machined Products
Job title: Vice President of Human Resources
Develop: What Other Things Can We Do to Enhance Culture? 4:40 pm
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the Focus Day Chair The industry is harshly divided into corporate and frontline workers, how can we change this us VS them mentality to build a culture of trust and harmony between our two distinct categories of workers?Read more
day: Day 1 (full day)
Discover: Re-Constructing Culture to Retain Skilled Talent 4:00 pm
How can we prevent highly skilled talent from leaving our business? Build a culture that employees want to be a part of and makes employees feel valued How PMP are re-evaluating their company culture such as: reducing benefit costs, re-analyzing pay structure, giving thoughtful employee recognition and amongst much more, leading to a decrease in…Read more
day: Day 1 (full day)
Panel Discussion: Forecast Future Trends to Stay Ahead of the Curve 1:10 pm
How do we approach implementing an internship scheme to bring in fresh faces who are eager to learn? How can we partner with local and low SES communities to provide opportunities to those who need it most? How can we identify the necessary skill set for the role, so that we are able to open…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day